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Do I need to live in Romsey to use the services?No, we are happy to support anyone who is able to get to Jane Scarth House in person, or anyone else from anywhere online or over the phone.
Do I need an appointment to come in?Jane Scarth House is a walk-in centre - and you are welcome to drop by whenever we are open, without an appointment. If you prefer, call or email us in advance, but there is no need to. Some of our activities and sessions do require booking in advance, you can learn more about these here.
What does it cost?All services at Jane Scarth House are provided completely free of charge. If you wish to donate to support us, we are very grateful, but it will not affect the support we are able to offer you.
I'm not able to visit in person, can I still receive help?Yes. We offer telephone and Zoom online services.
I am immuno-compromised, what precautions are you taking against Covid and other infections?We are still being very careful at Jane Scarth House. Our team test regularly for Covid, and we have enhanced hygiene and cleaning routines. We ask a set of Covid-related questions to each person before they come into the centre and we still wear masks.
I use a wheelchair, can I still visit the centre?Yes, our main building has just one step in it - for which there is a ramp. Our first floor annexe has a wheelchair-accessible lift.
My friend has cancer and I am supporting him, can you support me?Yes, of course. Our services are available to anyone who is affected by cancer - whether they are the patient, or friends and family.
Can you provide information about the cancer type that my partner has?We do not offer any clinical services, but we do hold a wide range of information leaflets that you can take away.
Having cancer is hitting our finances, can you help?We host a Macmillan welfare and benefits services sessions every month. Find out more here - and contact the centre to book yourself in.
How do I become a befriender?tbc
How can I help the centre?There are lots of ways to support us: You can make a donation either online or in person. You can volunteer your time at Jane Scarth House or Jane's Charity Shop, or in a backroom role. You can run an event to raise money for us. Find out more here.
How do I make a donation?You can give us cash or a cheque, or make a donation via BACS (please tell us if you've done this, as we don't get enough information from the bank to make contact or thank you). You can also donate online at CAF?? or you can donate in person by debit or credit card in either Jane's Charity Shop or Jane Scarth House.
I'd like to leave something to Jane Scarth House in my will, what are your charity details?Our official name is Romsey Cancer Support Centre and our charity registration number is 1159474.
What kind of volunteers are you looking for?All sorts! Whether you want to volunteer in Jane's Charity Shop or within Jane Scarth House, or have administrative, building or fund-raising skills that you'd like to offer just get in touch.
Do you provide promotional materials and collecting tins for an event I am running?Yes, we have a small range of leaflets and can provide you with collecting tins / buckets or loan you a 'tap to donate' machine that will enable you to take debit and credit card donations.
What do you take?We accept any donations that we have space for and will be able to sell! Charity shoppers look in our shop for items that are in working order and good condition. Accepting items which are broken or in poor condition just means we have to pay to dispose of them. To see our list of what we do and don't accept click here.
Can I park on the front when dropping off?Yes, that's what our forecourt is for. Please do not block the access road immediately outside our neighbours; The Olive Tree.
Do I need to book a drop-off?We can always take up to 6 carrier bags of donations and can usually take more. If you are making a large donation and want to be sure we can accept it, please give us a call.
Do you take furniture?We are able to take small items of furniture by arrangement. We simply do not have the space to take an unlimited amount, which restricts the time when we may be able to accept your donation.
I have some specialist items I wish to donate. Will you be able to sell them?Give us a call or pop in for a quick chat with us to discuss. We can sell specialist items online, but lack volunteer resources in this area so there can be a delay before your item is sold.
Can I Gift Aid my donation?Yes, if you are UK registered tax payer. There's a simple form to fill out, just ask one of our team.
I'm a Gift Aider at Jane Scarth House. Is that also valid for the Charity Shop?Sadly, the way that HMRC administers retail Gift Aid is different than that for cash donations, so you will need to sign a form at Jane's. (Strangely however, if you've signed one at Jane's Charity Shop that is valid for Jane Scarth House, but not the other way around!)
Still have a question? Please get in touch with us here:

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